منتدى سما الثانوية
اهلا ومرحبا بكم فى منتدى سما الثانوية منتدى الثانوية العامة.................

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منتدى سما الثانوية
اهلا ومرحبا بكم فى منتدى سما الثانوية منتدى الثانوية العامة.................
منتدى سما الثانوية
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

اختبار لغة انجليزية

اذهب الى الأسفل

اختبار لغة انجليزية Empty اختبار لغة انجليزية

مُساهمة من طرف sama الخميس فبراير 11, 2010 6:21 am

Practice Test 1
A) Language Functions
1-Finish the following dialogue:
Anwar and Ibrahim meet for the first time on a train. They introduce themselves to each other.
Ibrahim: Hi, I’m Ibrahim. I’m from Cairo……………………………………… (1)……?
Anwar : Anwar, and I’m from Alexandria.
Ibrahim: …………………………………………………..(2)………………………..?
Anwar : I’m nearly nineteen.
Anwar: I’m a student at the university.
Ibrahim:…………………………………………………( 4)…………………..?
Anwar: I’d like to be a teacher.
2 Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
a- A friend of yours asks you what you know about Neil Armstrong.
b -Your friend asks for some advice on how to study.
c -You are invited to dinner at a big restaurant, but you refuse the invitation politely.
d -Your sister asks you what you think of Charles Dickens’s Oliver Twist.
B) Vocabulary and Structure
3- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- Charles Dickens…………………………… in the south of England.
a bear b was born c born d is born
2- “Dangerous” is the opposite of…………………………………
a sad b serious c scared d safe
الموضوع الأصلى من هنا: شبكة عدوية الاسلامية http://www.adaweya.net/showthread.php?p=86424
3- The smallest parts of animals and plants are called……………………..
الموضوع الأصلى من هنا: شبكة عدوية الاسلامية http://www.adaweya.net/showthread.php?p=86424
a hearts b cells c brains d pieces
4- If you do exercise regularly, you won’t…………………………. weight.
a put off b put away c put on d put down
5- You should avoid ……………………..friends with such bad people.
a to make b make c making d to making
6 -If my pen friend……………………. from Italy, I’ll show him around Cairo.
a come b comes c is coming d came
7 -They left for Rome after they ……………………….some business in London.
a do b had done c would do d were doing
8- An ........................ is someone with special skills or knowledge of a subject.
a accountant b electrician c expert d academic
9- …………………….Dickens was twelve, he went to work in an office.
a While b When c During d As
10- Thieves and other criminals are usually punished by being sent to……………
a prison b a gang c a workhouse d a hospital
4 Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- Abu-Heif won the Egyptian primary schools swimming championship at the age of ten.
2 -My uncle owns a very famous bookshop. (owner)
3 -You look very ill. I advise you to see a doctor at once. (should)
4 -No one in the family is older than Maha. (oldest)
5 Read the text below, then write the word which best fits each space:
Nabawiya Musa is a famous Egyptian. She was the first Egyptian ……………(1)..to join secondary school. She played an……………….(2) part in girls’ education. She helped women to learn and……………….(3)..jobs. She wrote a famous……………..(4).. about girls’ education in 1908. She also became the …………………………(5)….of a girls’ school in Cairo. She really loved Egypt very much and helped Egyptian girls ………………..(6)… in education and work.

C)Reading Comprehension and Set Books
6 Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
In the nineteenth century. while Dickens was writing about social problems in England. people in American cities were facing similar problems. Thousands of immigrants were coming from Europe every year because they had no jobs or land at home. They had little money and often lived in poor, crowded buildings. Many of them had come from small villages. They did not know how to live In big cities, Many of them did not speak English and they did not have job skills.
In 1889, two upper-class women, Jane Addams and Ellen Gates Starr. moved into a big house in a poor neighbourhood of Chicago. They called it ‘Hull House’. With others’ help, at night they gave classes in English and job skills for factory workers. They opened a kindergarten for small children whose parents worked in factories. They had clubs for older children and a library. They helped 2,000 people every week to have healthier and better lives.

Today in Chicago, the Hull House Association continues the social work that was begun by Jane Addanis more than a century ago.
I -What problems in nineteenth century America were similar to the problems in nineteenth century England?
2- Why did Jane Addams and Ellen Gates Starr move into a poor neighbourhood?
3- Why did they give classes at night and not in the day?
4 -Do you think Hull House was a success? Why or why not?
5 What are immigrants?
a -poor people
b- people who come to live in a country from another country
c- visitors from another country d -people who don’t speak English
6 -Who or what does the underlined ‘they” refer to?
a -factory workers b- immigrants c- Jane and Ellen d -factories
7 -Why did Europeans go to America to live in the nineteenth century?
a -They wanted to learn English. b- They lived in crowded buildings.
c -They wanted to live in cities. d- They needed jobs
7 Answer only four (4) of the following questions:
I- Why did Oliver Twist grow up in a workhouse?
2 -Mention two functions of the brain.
3 -How did Ramy Ashour become famous at the age of 16?
4 -Do you think we should be grateful to Dr Farouk El-Baz? Give a reason for your answer.
5 -Nabawiya Musa played an important part in education. Do you agree or disagree?
6 -How do you think Oliver Twist felt when he learned that Rose was his mother’s sister? Why?
D) The Novel
8-A )Answer the following questions:
I- From “An Artist’s Story”: Why did the stranger place Augustus Pokewhistle on the carpet?
2- From "I Never Forget a Face”: Why did the writer give the stranger a ride in his car?
3 -From “I Never Forget a Face”: Why did the writer go to Bardfield police station?
4 -From “Called to the Rescue”: How did Mr D— show that the prisoner was not guilty?
B) Read the following quotation, then answer the questions:
From “Called to the Rescue”: “It is impossible that I could have done this thing.”
1- Who said this to whom?
2 -What was “that thing” the speaker referred to?
3 -How was the speaker set free at last?
E) Writing
9 Write a letter to your cousin:
Your cousin Wessam has asked you for advice on how to study English vocabulary. Write your reply to your cousin. Your name is Reda and you live at 111 Hussein Wassef Street, Dokki, Giza.
F) Translation
10- A) Translate into Arabic:
1- Ramy Ashour is a famous Egyptian squash player.
2 Neil Armstrong was the first person to step on the moon.



عدد المساهمات : 6
تاريخ التسجيل : 10/02/2010

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